Dynamics of Digital Inequality in Russia

© Media Watch 10 (2) 225-234, 2019

ISSN 0976-0911 e-ISSN 2249-8818

DOI: 10.15655/mw/2019/v10i2/49622

Dynamics of Digital Inequality in Russia


1Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Russian Federation

2State University of Management, Russian Federation


This article contains research about the phenomenon of digital inequality among different social groups in Russia. The short literature review, conducted in it, concerns the factors, which have an impact on the rise and spread of digital inequality. The types of digital inequality have been analyzed, and each of them has the relative digital divide indicators calculated. It has been revealed, that the digital divide in terms of the Internet and information and communications technology access between the rural and urban population has been decreased, however the divide in terms of digital skills has been increased. There is almost no digital divide in ICT among the middle-aged groups, and it is constantly decreasing. Although the digital divide among the older-aged groups is also growing down, it is still high, and the divide in digital skills remains unchanged. It is noted, that the country’s territory in length objectively increases the IT infrastructure costs, hampers providing for the high-quality internet-connection for the rural people and is the reason for digital divide in terms of Internet-access.

Keywords: Internet, digital inequality, competitive edge, information, communications technology.


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Veronika Yu. Chernova (Ph.D., Economic received at the People’s Friendships University of Russia, 2016) is an Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing, People’s Friendships University of Russia and Associate Professor of the Institute of Marketing, State University of Management. Her research interests are: world economy, marketing of transnational companies, importsubstitution, product personalization, one-to-one marketing, interactive marketing communications.

Alexander M. Zobov (Ph.D., Economic received at the Moscow Institute of Management named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, 1983) is an Associate professor and Head of the Department of Marketing, People’s Friendships University of Russia. His research interests are: cooperation with BRICs countries, international marketing strategies, strategic marketing, world economy, marketing of transnational companies, import substitution, product personalization, one-to-one marketing, interactive marketing communications.

Vasily S. Starostin (Ph.D., Economic received at the State University of Management, 2009) is an Associate Professor and Head of the Advertising and PR Department, Institute of Marketing, State University of Management. His research interests are product personalization, one-to-one marketing, interactive marketing communications.