© Media Watch 11 (1) 4-20, 2020
ISSN 0976-0911 | E-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2020/v11i1/49761
Psychographics on Steroids: The Attacks on Democratic Governments
Mark Goodman1 John Goodman
Mississippi State University, USA
Research originally developed in the 1970s to make television and mass media advertising more effective has involved into a contemporary system of propaganda manipulation. Agents use social media to convince people that fake news is a valid reason for people to act and to vote. While the Russian manipulation of the U.S. presidential election in 2016 has received the most attention, people are being manipulated around the world. These manipulations undermine democratic governments, which require an informed, voting public. This paper outlines the theories behind the manipulation of social media and the conditions under which these efforts are most likely to work.
Keywords: Psychographics, propaganda, democracy, Russian manipulation
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Mark Goodman (Ph.D., University of Missouri, USA, 1993) is a Professor Emeritus, Department of Communication, Mississippi State University, USA. His other research interests include free speech an First Amendment Law.
John Goodman is an independent researcher and a solutions architect for Poetic Systems (poeticsystems.com). Poetic Systems is a Houston (TX) based firm that develops applications and websites for the internet and social media.