© Media Watch 8 (1) 44-58, 2017
ISSN 0976-0911 e-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2017/v8i1/41271
Television Series Use in Teaching and Learning Professional Ethics in Communication
Universidad Panamericana, Mexico
The work presented here is an exploratory and descriptive study under a qualitative approach. It purposes was to show the use of television series, as a means of teaching and learning professional ethics in communication undergraduate students. Among the results we found two direct areas of impact: teaching and learning. In the case of teaching, the professor shows an innovative practice and she realized different ways to improve it as a continuous way to advance her teaching. In the case of learning, the use of television series promoted the interest of the students and a significant learning. However, the most important finding of this study is that the teaching experience has contributed in the educational process of communicators specifically in ethical thinking.
Keywords: Undergraduate, teaching experience, strategies, professional ethics, television series.
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Dr. Maria T. Nicolas-Gavilan is Provost Faculty at Universidad Panamericana, Mexico. She is a member of the National System of Researchers from the National Council of Science and Technology in Mexico since 2011. She has been a visiting professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; Villanova University, USA; and Univertà Catolica of Milan, Italy. Dr. Maria is the chairman of the Working Group of Ethics of Society and Ethics of Media; of the IAMCR (International Association of Media Communication Research). Her research interests include ethics of communication, intercultural communication, and peace journalism.
Dr. Claudia F. Ortega Barba is a professor of education in the School of Pedagogy at Universidad Panamericana, Mexico. She belongs to the research group of the School of Pedagogy, at the Universidad Panamericana: Educación, Instituciones e Innovación. She is a memeber of the Redmie (Red Mexicana de Investigación sobre la Investigación Educativa). She has been invited to multiple academic meetings, such as Somece (Sociedad Mexicana de Cómputo en la Educación), IPN (Instituto Politécnico Nacional), among others. Dr. Ortega-Barba research interests are: information communication technologies in education and research methodologies.
Dr. Sara E. Galbán Lozano is a professor of education in the School of Pedagogy at Universidad Panamericana, Mexico. Dr. Galbán research interests are: teaching and learning strategies, reflective practice and research methodologies. She is a memeber of the Redmie (Red Mexicana de Investigación sobre la Investigación Educativa). She has been trainer for trainers of all educational leveles. As a trainer, she has been invited to teach in multiple universities in the Mexican Republic. She belongs to the research group of the School of Pedagogy, at the Universidad Panamericana: Educación, Instituciones e Innovación.