What is Social Media and Why is it Important to Documentary Filmmakers?

© Media Watch 7 (1) 55-74, 2016
ISSN 0976-0911 e-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2016/v7i1/86501

What is Social Media and Why is it Important to Documentary Filmmakers?

Edinburgh University, United Kingdom
Social Media is a binary platform on which all previous forms of media converge. Producers are disappointed that social media does not generate the revenues expected. Documentary filmmakers are challenged to understand, adapt and apply this new technology. This paper examines social media, its origins, applications and limitations by reviewing the predictions made by media theorists. The author conducted case studies and interviewed practicing documentary filmmakers such as the producer of ‘The Act of Killing’. Focus groups among digital natives and immigrants explored their perception of social media. Research includes the production of three documentaries to apply knowledge gained. Less than 5 per cent of digital natives and immigrants investigated perceive social media as a promotional tool. Self-expression, creativity, sharing information globally takes priority.
Keywords: Social media, documentary filmmaking, persona
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Friedrich H. Kohle currently studies for a PhD at the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom investigating how social media is changing the production value chain in documentary production. In June 2007, he joined New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts as assistant director for the production and post-production centre, significantly contributing to the establishment of the NYU Singapore Campus.