Influence of Facebook in Pakistani Pedagogy

© Media Watch 6 (3) 326-338, 2015
ISSN 0976-0911 e-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2015/v6i3/77895

Influence of Facebook in Pakistani Pedagogy

Indus Valley School of Art & Architecture, Karachi, Pakistan
This study grounds itself in the communication, information sharing, discussion and co creation potential of ICTs with reference to social media-Facebook. Taking a qualitative approach, it explores the above as building blocks of new educational paradigms of learner autonomy; learner-centered education and co-creation of knowledge through discussion and collaboration, by exploring the various ways and reasons teachers use Facebook as part of pedagogy in Pakistan. It suggests that, in order to understand fully the potential of Facebook as a pedagogical tool, being egalitarian, autonomous and emancipatory, there is a need to review the ways in which learning is viewed and evaluated.
Keywords: Facebook, social media, pedagogy, student-centered learning, constructivist learning
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Tazeen Hussain is an assistant professor in communication design (replace with Foundation Programme) at Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture, Karachi, Pakistan and adjunct faculty in design at University of Karachi. Her research interests are communication, design, new media, and affective and effective learning.