© Media Watch 11 (3) 475-487, 2020
ISSN 0976-0911 | e-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2020/v11i3/202933
Formation of a Global Intercultural Discourse of a Multicultural Person
Karakat M. Nagymzhanova1, Klara M. Abisheva2, Assiya Sh. Albekova3,
Aizhan K. Kapanova4, and Yelena B. Tyazhina5
1,2,4Turan-Astana University, Kazakhstan
3,5S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
The article discusses the problem of identifying a global intercultural discourse of communication participants, characterizes its parameters, and reviews strategies for its actualization. The purpose of the article is to build and justify a model of this discourse. The methods used in work include discourse analysis, modeling method (contrastive and comparative) analysis, transactional analysis, textual information analysis method, critical analysis, etc. Scientific results of the research: parameters of the global intercultural discourse are refined, its intercultural model is built, and discourses of the participants of intercultural communication are analyzed. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the development of a sample of global intercultural discourse that input in the theory of global discourse. The practical value of the work is that research results can be used both in the practice of intercultural communication and in the process of preparing monographs, textbooks, and training in the field of intercultural communication.
Keywords: Cognitive interpretant, discourse analysis, multicultural person, world of discourse, modeling method, global intercultural discourse
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Karakat M. Nagymzhanova (Full Doctor in Pedagogy) is a Professor in the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology at Turan-Astana University. Her research interests are socio-economic development of macro and microsystems, socio-cultural problems, forecasting, and information systems.
Klara M. Abisheva (Full Doctor in Philology) is a Professor in the Department of Social, Humanitarian, and Language Disciplines at Turan-Astana University. Her research interests are professional education, information technologies, modern educational technologies, and innovations in the field of management.
Assiya Sh. Albekova (Ph.D. in Philology) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Kazakh and Russian Languages at S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University. Her areas of academic interest are cultural studies and participatory development communication.
Aizhan K. Kapanova is a lecturer in the Department of Social, Humanitarian, and Language Disciplines at Turan-Astana University. Her research interests are socio-economic development, digital economy, management of economic systems, and service management.
Yelena B. Tyazhina (Ph.D. in Philology) is a senior lecturer in the Department of Foreign Languages at S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University. Her research interests are journalism, television studies, and social media.