© Media Watch | 12 (2) 288-302, 2021
ISSN 0976-0911 | E-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2021/v12i2/160433
Linguistic Analysis of Kazakh and Russian Online Political Commenting Tactics
1Samal Zhanatkyzy Yergaliyeva, 2Natalia Vladimirovna Melnik,
3Àlbina Zhenisovna Ànesova, 4Meruyert Assetovna Uaikhanova, &
5Kuanysh Sovetuly Yergaliyev
1,3,4Toraighyrov University, Kazakhstan
2Kemerovo State University, Russian Federation
5Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan
This study aims to determine the parameters of the person- and text-related generation of Russian and Kazakh online political commentaries and reconstruct the virtual linguistic personality. When studying online commentaries, linguistic descriptions, comparative analyses, elements of linguopersonological and derivatological text analysis, and quantitative data processing methods were used. Taking the criteria of the secondary text content, form, and function as a basis for the classification, we identified the text generation parameters within the subjective and objective strategies of textual activity. Subjectivity is manifested through associativity, emotionality, second-guessing, and indicators of objectivity revealed through the keywords and reiteration of content and form. A comparison of Russian and Kazakh commentaries to their source articles made it possible to identify the types of compatibility of tactics in the speech activity of a virtual commenter. As a result, the set of implemented strategies and tactics served as a basis for rhetoric.
Keywords: Linguistic tactics, political discourse, online commentary, text derivatology, linguistic personality
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Samal Zhanatkyzy Yergaliyeva, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Trilingualism Department at Toraighyrov University, Kazakhstan. Her areas of scientific direction include linguistics, derivatology, the theory of linguistic personality, linguopersonology, linguoculturology, linguopolitology, Internet linguistics, ordinary linguistics, and text theory.
Natalia Vladimirovna Melnik (Doctor of Philological Sciences) is Professor in the Stylistics and Rhetoric Department at Kemerovo State University, Russian Federation. Her areas of scientific direction include derivatology, linguodidactics, linguopersonology, and political linguistics.
Àlbina Zhenisovna Ànesova, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Trilingualism Department at Toraighyrov University, Kazakhstan. Dr. Ànesova’s areas of research interest are folk psychology, pedagogy, multilingualism, linguistics, and linguoculturology.
Meruyert Assetovna Uaikhanova, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Trilingualism at Toraighyrov University. Dr. Uaikhanova’s field of scientific research includes pedagogy and psychology, cultural linguistics, and intercultural communication.
Kuanysh Sovetuly Yergaliyev is a Candidate of Philological Sciences and an Associate Professor of Kazakh Language and Literature at Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan. His field of scientific research in linguistics.
Correspondence to: Samal Zhanatkyzy Yergaliyeva, Trilingualism Department, oraighyrov University, Lomova Street, 64, Pavlodar 140008, Kazakhstan.