Conceptualizing a Four-Factor Construct for Journalists’ Job Satisfaction: A Structural Equation Modeling Method

© Media Watch 10 (2) 262-277, 2019

ISSN 0976-0911 e-ISSN 2249-8818

DOI: 10.15655/mw/2019/v10i2/49641

Conceptualizing a Four-Factor Construct for Journalists’ Job Satisfaction: A Structural Equation Modeling Method

Uma Shankar Pandey

Surendranath College for Women, Kolkata, India


Job Satisfaction studies, especially in the field of Organization research, have traditionally been looked at as a measure of motivation and environmental factors. Factors of burnout related to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment and its different variants have also been related to diverse conceptualizations of job satisfaction. Recent studies in the fields of human services have also looked at intrinsic, organizational and salary as factors of job satisfaction. The present study theorizes a four-factor construct of job satisfaction for journalists—intrinsic satisfaction, organizational satisfaction, tangible benefits and efficacy perceptions. Based on an online survey of 216 journalists in three Indian cities, this study provides a structural equation modeling approach to prove the construct validity of the hypothesized model proposed as a second order hierarchical construct. Standard goodness of fit indices and factor loadings are used to prove the construct validity.

Keywords: Job satisfaction, Koeske, organizational, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis


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Uma Shankar Pandey (Ph.D., University of Calcutta, 2015) is an Associate Professor and Head in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at Surendranath College for Women, Kolkata, India. Dr. Pandey is the first India Ambassador of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), the pre-eminent global association for media and communication research. He is a Member Board of Studies at some Indian Universities. Before joining academics, Dr. Pandey was a senior journalist with English national daily The Asian Age, Kolkata. His research interests include framing of election news, media credibility, and journalistic role perceptions. He is also a visiting Faculty at some national and foeign universities and institutes.