Constructing a Comprehensive Coverage Criterion of Indian States and Union Territories News

© Media Watch 6 (1) 133-147, 2015
ISSN 0976-0911 e-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2015/v6i1/55398


Constructing a Comprehensive Coverage Criterion of Indian States and Union Territories News

Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, India

The study posits a twelve pronged formulation of indices to measure the over coverage and under coverage of the Indian states and union territories by newspapers on socio-economic, demographical and political aspects. Union territories (UT), mainly Delhi and Chandigarh were unjustifiably favoured on all twelve counts which clearly points out media’s biased leanings to cater to the regional aspirations and preference to the power center. Northern states were most favourably covered and the coverage reduced with increasing distance of the state from the power center i.e., the capital of India whereas north eastern states suffered severe coverage blackout. Quantitative and spatial indices were developed to see news coverage in a new perspective.

Keywords: Indian states, union territories, press coverage, media research


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Dr. Umesh Arya is an associate professor in the Department of Advertising Management and Public Relations at Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar-125 001, Haryana, India. His research interest include computer mediated communication, ICT-related issues and corpus linguistics