Exploring Channels of Cultural Communication between Pakistan and China

© Media Watch 7 (2) 185-199, 2016
ISSN 0976-0911 e-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2016/v7i2/98724

Exploring Channels of Cultural Communication between Pakistan and China

BAI GUI & MUHAMMAD ARIF Hebei University, China

This article traces the new channels of communication being used as inter cultural communication tool to enhance the existing bond of friendship between China and Pakistan, the oldest strategic allies in the region. The study explores government initiatives, academic programs and projects aimed at promoting Chinese language and culture in Pakistan to boost cross-cultural communication. The horizon of China’s cultural communication in Pakistan is being expanded by teaching Chinese language like utilizing new media tools such as video conferencing and radio broadcasts technology. The paper covers the various aspects of the roles different organization are playing to empower cultural communication channels such as Confucius Institute, China Radio International, Pakistan China Institute, National University of Modern Languages and Chinese Diplomatic Mission in Pakistan. This paper is highly significant as it helps to know the strategic measures that China is taking to strengthen the bilateral ties with Pakistan, especially people to people contacts, through inter cultural communication tools.

Keyword: Language and communication, new media, Chinese language, cultural diplomacy, Confucius institutes, China Pakistan relations, cultural engagement


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Prof. Bai Gui is chairman of Research Centre for Social Development of Islamic Countries at Hebei University, China. He is a former Dean in the Department of Journalism and Communication, Hebei University, and currently doctoral tutor for journalism, with expertise on media and theology. His main research areas are: journalism theory, radio and television news, history of minority journalism history, cultural communication. Prof. Bai Gui is also vice-president of China Society of Communication Studies, vice-president of China Society of Hui

Muhammad Arif is a Ph.D candidate at School of Journalism and Communication, Hebei University, China. His areas of research interest include media and globalization, contemporary Chinese media, soft power and propaganda. He is associated with Pakistan China Institute and an editor of web magazine on China Pakistan Relations (www.nihao-salam.com)