Multiculturalism, Diversity and Stereotypes: Engaging Students with Images in Media

© Media Watch 8 (1) 20-29, 2017
ISSN 0976-0911 e-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2017/v8i1/41267

Multiculturalism, Diversity and Stereotypes:Engaging Students with Images in Media

Salisbury University, United States

Commercial interests invariably become entwined with making films, with reporting the news and with other forms of information and entertainment. Pervasive media generated gender and racial tereotypes distort cultural representations and negatively impact users’ perceptions of society. As students learn to create various forms of media, their points of reference are often these negative images, which are then reflected to some extent in their content. This creates a worrisome cycle reinforcing the stereotypes in the present and perpetuating these for the future. While there are clearly no right or wrong answers in art, there are good and bad interpretive choices in pedagogy. This essay explores and articulates a more useful method of student engagement, especially in reference to media literacy, multiculturalism and stereotypes and presents pedagogical methods and strategies to combat negative images in the media.
Keywords: Multiculturalism, media literacy, stereotypes
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Dr. Andrew Sharma is a professor of audio, video and digital film production in the Communication Arts Department at Salisbury University. He has extensive academic and national and international industry experience, having worked in the advertising and television industry. His research interests are in the areas of media effects and media and culture. Dr. Sharma is a two time Fulbright Scholar grantee to India where he taught media as a visiting professor.