© Media Watch 9 (1) 18-36, 2018
ISSN 0976-0911 e-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2018/v9i1/49280
News Consumption through SNS Platforms: Extended Motivational Model
1Qatar University, Qatar
2International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
The emergence of new media technologies has redefined how people, particularly the youth, are exposed to the news. Social networking sites (SNS), in particular, have widely changed the manner in which news is consumed. SNS platforms have emerged as news sources where people engage in several activities such as sharing, commenting and discussing news with peers, acquaintances and family members. Thus, drawing on the extended version of the motivational model, this study attempts to determine contributing factors. Using a stratified random sampling procedure, this study compiles a sample from leading higher education institutions in a Sub-Saharan African country. The data are then analysed using a structural equation modelling technique with SmartPLS software and the both the validity and reliability indexes are reported. The findings suggest that students’ attitude towards news consumption (ATT) via SNS platforms is influenced directly by perceived usefulness (PU), perceived enjoyment (PE) and subjective norms (SN) and indirectly by PE and SN factors. In addition, PU and PE are positively predicted by SN. Furthermore, ATT directly predicts SNS news consumption (SNC), while PU, PE and SN indirectly contribute to SNC.
Keywords: News consumption, social networking sites, motivational model,structural equation modelling
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Ismail Sheikh Yusuf Ahmed is currently affiliated with Mass Communication Department of Qatar University. He is finalizing his doctoral programme at the Department of Communication, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). His main research interest areas include political communication, media effects, news consumption/ credibility, and new media technologies adoption and consequences.
Syed Arabi Idid is a professor in the Department of Communication at International Islamic University Malaysia. He was Dean of the Research Centre in July 2001 and was later appointed as Rector of IIUM from June 2006 until May 2011.
Zeti Azreen Ahmad is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication at Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, IIUM. Currently she is engaged in several research projects that include the role of media in promoting social well-being and public relations research.