Perception of Korean TV Drama Reality among Jordanian Youth

© Media Watch 10 (1) 68-78, 2019
ISSN 0976-0911 e-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2019/v10i1/49557


Perception of Korean TV Drama Reality among Jordanian Youth

Yarmouk University, Jordan

Based on questionnaire responses from a purposive sample of 400 Jordanian young viewers, this study attempts to examine reality perceptions of the events portrayals on Korean TV drama among them, and to explore how they relate to this drama such as realism perceptions, utility, and identity. The results revealed that viewers’ gender has a significant impact on their intensity of Korean TV drama viewing, their perception of its reality and their attitudes towards it. Our findings also indicated that intensity of this drama viewing influences the attitudes towards it; however, there is no significant effect for this intensity on perceived reality rate of this drama.

Keywords: Korean TV drama, Jordanian youth, perceived reality, agic window, utility, identity


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Khalaf Tahat (Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, 2015) is a an Associate Professor of Journalism and the Vice Dean of Mass Communication College at Yarmouk University in Jordan.
Dr. Tahat is also the chairman of Jordanian Association Press (North branch).
Bashar Mutahar (Ph.D., University of Cairo, 2007) is an Associate Professor in Radio and Television Department and the former chair of the department at Mass Communication College at Yarmouk University, Jordan.
Ali Nejadat (Ph.D., University of Cairo, 2004) is a full Professor in Journalism and the Dean of Mass Communication College at Yarmouk University, Jordan.