© Media Watch 9 (2) 245-256, 2018
ISSN 0976-0911 e-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2018/v9i2/49382
Political Activity of Russians:Current Trends and Resources of Media Influence
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation
Authors assume that in the post-Soviet time, political consciousness among the Russians has significantly changed. Causes of this not only include general de-politicization in the society, but also a modified nature of the media influence. The research purpose is to search for reasons that cause booms and falls in the interest of the Russians in politics. The methodological framework of the research included the Verba-Pye model of engagement in politics, Lipset’s conclusions about citizens’ engagement in political affairs; assumptions from the Lipset-Rokkan model of political preferences of citizens; Scott’s concept of imitation of political activism, and Bryant’s conclusions about specifics of media influence on public opinion. The empirical basis of the research includes data from sociological and marketing research made by Russian centers for the study of public opinion. As a result of the research, its authors have established that country residents do not mostly show high political engagement and civil activism.
Keywords: Political interest, political activity, political inaction, political imitation, depressive society, media
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Dr. Ivan V. Radikov is a professor in the Russian Politics Department at Saint-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation. His area of scientific interests is political theory, politics and the theory of national security, violence and politics, and Russian policy.
Dr. Alexandra I. Radushinskaya is an asóciate profesor in the Russian Politics Department
at Saint-Petersburg State University. Her area of scientific interests is media technologies in policy, attention economy, policial communications, transmedia storytelling for policy,
and marketing.
Dr. Vladimir G. Belous is a professor in the Russian Politics Department at Saint-Petersburg State University. His area of scientific interests is history of Russian and Russian political thought, Russian policy, and political culture.
Dr. Svetlana S. Morozova is an assistant in the Russian Politics Department at Saint-Petersburg State University. Her area of scientific interests is Russian policy, public administration, political institutes, and political technologies.