Relations 2.0, Strategies of Friendship Management on Facebook in Tunisia

© Media Watch 10 (2) 404-418, 2019

ISSN 0976-0911 e-ISSN 2249-8818

DOI: 10.15655/mw/2019/v10i2/49630

Relations 2.0, Strategies of Friendship Management on Facebook in Tunisia

Amor Ben Amor1 & Saddek Rabah2

1Emirates College of Technology, UAE

2Qatar University, Qatar


The Facebook platform is ahead of other social networks in Tunisia in terms of some registered users and is characterized by extensive use, especially among young people aged 18 to 30. To better understand how these young people use this communication tool, this study proposed a reflection on social representations of friendship offline and online on this platform. It also aimed to understand how young Tunisian users define friendship in everyday life, to compare these definitions with those actually created and maintained online on Facebook. The survey highlighted the replication on the platform of implicit social and friendly norms. It was also able to determine the strategies of appropriation of the social network by users. Strategies are ranging from preserving privacy to improving professional life.

Keywords: Friendship, relationship, online ethnography, Facebook, social network, strategy, standards, ethics


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Amor Ben Amor  (Ph.D., Laval University, Canada, 2007) is an Assistant Professor and Head of Public Relations at Emirates College of Technology, UAE. He holds a Ph.D. in Communication from the Laval University of Canada. His research and works focus on the use of technologies, reception theories, and cultural studies.

Saddek Rabah (Ph.D., Paris 2 University, France. 1997) is an Associate Professor at Qatar University. His research interests are in social networks, citizen media, internet studies, media convergence, information society, media, and social change. His research has appeared in different peer-reviewed journals. He has presented his work and research at several international and regional conferences.