© Media Watch | 12 (2) 265-275, 2021
ISSN 0976-0911 | E-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2021/v12i2/160151
Students’ Perception of E-Learning based on
Media Resources and Readiness during COVID-19
Veronica M. Grebennikova1, Natalya I. Nikitina2, Zhanna R. Gardanova3, & Ekaterina V. Komarova4
1 Kuban State University, Russia
1 A.S. Griboedov Institute of International Law and Economics, Russia
2,4 Russian State Social University, Russia
3 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Russia
Digital technologies became especially important for the efficient progress of the learning process in the time of COVID-19 pandemic. The canonical model of study made way for off-campus e-learning, built on information systems and media resources. This rapid transition highlighted some challenges and barriers that obstruct the successful implementation of e-learning. In this regard, this research aims at an overview of international students’ perception and readiness for e-learning in the time of COVID-19 pandemic. The study was based on secondary empirical data obtained from surveys of students from the USA, Germany, Poland, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Indonesia, and the Philippines. We attempted to structure the data by essential determinants, including the COVID-19 morbidity rate, income per capita, and Internet penetration rate. At the beginning of the research, we stated the hypotheses that capture our common vision of current trends. The results show that the countries with relatively high gross national income per capita show a higher Internet penetration rate. High-income countries have a higher level of students’ satisfaction with e-learning than low-income countries with low Internet penetration rates. In terms of various perceptions and readiness of students for e-learning, we observed similar problems in its implementation and development. We found almost non-available mass media intended for learning and information educational resources in the countries we explored. There are also problems with Internet access, slow adjustment of students to e-learning, and e-learning teaching skills among professors.
Keywords: E-learning, COVID-19, Internet access, digital gap, mass media, digital technologies, information resources
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Veronica M. Grebennikova (Dr. Sci. (Pedagogical), Russian State Social University, 2012) is Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Psychology and Communication Studies, Kuban State University, Russia. She is also Professor at A.S. Griboedov Institute of International Law and Economics (Moscow). Her scientific interests are general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, Pedagogical deontology, vocational education.
Natalya I. Nikitina (Dr. Sci. (Pedagogical), Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2004) is Professor and a researcher of the Research Institute of Advanced Directions and Technologies, Russian State Social University Moscow. Her area of scientific interests is continuous professional training of specialist’s social sphere in university complexes, distance learning, competency-based education of teaching staff, information technologies, rehabilitation technologies in psychology and social work, continuous education of specialists in the socionic profile and mass media.
Zhanna R. Gardanova (Dr. Sci. (Medical), Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, 2007) is a Professor in the Department of Psychotherapy at Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow). Her scientific interests are modeling information flows, public health, science, the psychological state of a person and gender personality traits.
Ekaterina V. Komarova (Dr. Sci. (Pedagogical), Russian State Social University, 2012) is an Associate Professor and a researcher at the Institute of Advanced Directions and Technologies, Russian State Social University (Moscow). Her scientific interests are vocational training, continuing education, quality management of education, distance learning technologies, continuous professional and mathematical training, social specialists, and mathematic simulation.
Correspondence to: Veronica M. Grebennikova, Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communication Studies, Kuban State University, 149, Stavropolskaya St., Krasnodar, 350040, Russia.